Linggo, Pebrero 1, 2015


                 Learning Assessment Strategies

Field Study


Name of FS Student:     Vanessa Joy B. Nera 

Course:                         Bachelor of Secondary Education                                                                                  
Resource Teacher:        Mrs. Irene Alamon

Cooperating School:       Isabela National High School

My Target
            At the end of this activity, you will be informed on the principles of authentic assessment and its usefulness in the classroom.
My Task
            Authentic assessment is an alternative way of assessing students’ learning to be able to use it, you must have a deep understanding of it. To help you reach your goal, do the following task:
1.       Visit a classroom and interview the teacher on his/her experiences in using authentic assessment.
2.       Describe how the teacher uses the authentic assessment.
3.       Write a reflective journal on the activity.

            For this learning activity, please document the information gathered from the interview with the teacher on authentic assessment. Write your documentation using the activity form provided for you.


What is Authentic Assessment?

      Because, Authentic Assessment is direct measures, we do not just want students to know the content of the disciplines when they graduate. We of course want them to be able use the acquired knowledge and skills in the real world. So, our assessments have to also tell us if students can apply what they have learned in Authentic situations.

What is your experience using authentic Assessment?

Authentic Assessment, Capture Constructive Nature of Learning.
Assessment cannot just ask students to repeat back information. Student must also be asked to demonstrate that they have accurately constructed meaning about what they have been taught.

Furthermore, students must be given the opportunity to engage in the construction of meaning.

Authentic Assessment Integrate Teaching
An authentic task not only serves as assessment but also as vehicles for such learning

Learning and assess in the authentic assessment model the same authentic task used to measure the student’s ability to apply the knowledge or skills is used as a vehicles for students learners.


      What is Authentic Assessment?
Authentic assessment involves direct measure of student’s ability and skills to use knowledge that is  experiencein real life setting. Authentic assessment can be devised by the teacher, or in collaboration with the student by engaging student voice.  Using Authentic assessment to student learning and achievement, a teacher applies criteria related to “construction of knowledge, discipline of the students, and the value of achievement beyond the school and also authentic assessments focus on the learning process.

1.      How was authentic assessment used? Was it used to measure learning through the product?
       The teacher discussed the new lesson and afterwards the  teacher used Authentic Assessment by means of recitation, by asking what are the things that show or represent the 3 Undefined Terms in Geometry (point, line, and plane) inside the classroom. Np its not used to measure learning through product

What are your insights and feelings about the use of authentic assessment?

 For me I felt, using Authentic Assessment is not easy. There’s a good and bad 
side effect to the teacher and also the students. At the bad side in my observation
 in the used assessment not all the students are able to assess because some are not ask to stand to recite their answer.
In the good side still by the used assessment is really helpful for the teacher to discuss the lesson and to the students to understand more the lesson, for the teacher more visualize to his/her students the things represent the lesson.

What are your insights and feelings about the use of authentic assessment?

 For me I felt, using Authentic Assessment is not easy. There’s a good and bad side effect to the teacher and also the students. At the bad side in my observation in the used assessment not all the students are able to assess because some are not ask to stand to recite their answer.
In the good side still by the used assessment is really helpful for the teacher to discuss the lesson and to the students to understand more the lesson, for the teacher more visualize to his/her students the things represnt the lesson.

Describe how the teacher used the authentic assessment?

      The teacher introduce the new topic about the 3 Undefined Terms in Geometry (point, line, and plane) and afterward the teacher ask the students to give the things represent or show the 3 Undefined Terms in Geometry (point, line, and plane) inside the classroom.

How did you feel about the teacher’s experience in the use of authentic assessment?

    Using authentic assessment especially in Mathematics subject is hard. 
For me i felt that the practice teacher is not sanay in using this assessment, because this is her first time to teach. But she able to visualize to her students the things she want to share with them.

What could be the gains of the students and teachers in using authentic assessment?

           Using Authentic Assessment Leads to Improved Teaching and Learning or helps the teacher as well as the students.It helps teachers by encouraging them to reflect on the relevance of what they teach and provides results that are useful for improving instruction.

Authentic assessment helps students see themselves as active participants, who are working on a task of relevance, rather than passive recipients of obscure facts.

Which part of the teacher’s use of authentic assessment do you feel like improving or revising?

                   I think the used of assessment tool is not effective in evaluating the students,that i want to improve when i will be in the field of teaching. Its just a recitation form, the teacher only called the students who race their hands not all the students are able to assess or evaluate because some are afraid to recite and some are not listening. For me its better to group them to do an activity or a take home project that they will draw at least 5  things inside their home that shows or represent the 3 Undefined Terms in Geometry (point, line, and plane)

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