Linggo, Marso 15, 2015


             Learning Assessment Strategies

Field Study



Name of FS Student: Vanessa Joy B. Nera 

Course:                      Bachelor of Secondary Education
Resource Teacher:     Mrs. Irene Alamon

Cooperating School:   Isabela National High School

My Target
           At the end of this activity, you will be skilful in designing product-oriented performance assessment.

Your Task
            Design a product-oriented performance assessment by going through the process through the following steps:
1.       Visit a class and identify product-oriented activities.
2.       Choose one product-oriented activity and study the process.
3.       Design a performance assessment plan for the product-oriented activity you have chosen.
4.       Develop a portfolio of your assessment plan.
5.       Reflect on your experience.


Name of the School Observed: Isabela National High School
School Address: Claravall St. San Vicente Ilagan Isabela
Date Visited:  March 12, 2015
Grade/Year Level: Grade VII- Ipil
Subject Area: Geometric Figures(Mathematics)

Describe in bullets the product-oriented activity you observe.

v The teacher required her students to make a “TESSELLATION” comes from the small square ceremictites called “TESSERAE” that the Romans used to create mosaic tile designs. A Tessellation in which tiles are congruent regular polygon whose edges exactly match called Regular tessellation.
v The Product-Assessment will work by two(2) students in tessellation.
v The teacher explained the instruction and criteria for the product/outcome project.
v The Tessellation must put in 1/8 illustration board.
v The students must use 2-3 polygons
v The tessellation must clean, neat and creative.
v There’s no overlapping and no spacing.
v And the final output will be past before the 4th Periodical Examination.


Learning Objectives

The students will be able:
·        To identify different types of polygon.
·        To determine the vertex/vertices of a polygon.
·         To determine the interior angles of a polygon.

General Product-oriented performance Task:

                      The students shall work individually; they will form polygons using match sticks.

Target Skills: 
             Familiarize the students will the classifications of polygons and to abilities and skills in identifying the vertices/vertex and interior angles of a polygon.

Learning Activities (Specific tasks):

1.      The students must consider each piece of a match stick as a side of a polygon.
2.      The students shall form triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, and heptagon.
3.      The students shall answer the following questions;
·        How many sides does it have?
·        How many vertices does it have?
·        How many interior angles does it have?
       4.     Paste it on a Bond paper.
       5.     Clean, Neat and Creative.
       6.     Will be passing on March, 18, 2015.

Assessment Tasks:

The making of the product will be evaluated through the following criteria:

Level of Performance
All construction is clean and attractive. The match sticks edges are fix connected to each other. Visually appealing.
It is messy at times and .the match sticks /polygon edges are slightly fixed.
Design is unattractive and the match sticks edges are not fix.
Complete the required polygons to be form and answer the questions correctly.
Finish at least 2-3 polygons. and answer the questions correctly
Finish only one polygon. And did not answer the question correctly.


Name of the School Observed: Isabela National High School
School Address: Claravall St. San Vicente Ilagan Isabela
Date Visited:  March 12, 2015
Grade/Year Level: Grade VII- Ipil
Subject Area: Number of Vertices and Interior Angles of a                         Polygon(Mathematics)

What are the best features of my product-oriented performance assessment design?
               The best feature of my product-oriented performance assessment design was it contains best output of the students; it enhances the knowledge, abilities, skills and creativity of every learner.

What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of my product-oriented performance assessment design?
            For successful use of product-oriented performance assessment design, it must consider the learning objectives and it must set a basis in grading the students by using a rubric.
It attains the criterion on my product-oriented assessment design.

What basic points should the user of this design consider?

            The rubric must be considered because it can help to judge the students output and it can help the students on how they improve their projects/output the next time.


1.     Do you think your originally design product-oriented performance assessment can appropriately assess the teacher’s learning objective? Why? Why not?

         Yes, because, it not only assess the lower competencies but also the higher order thinking skills like creativity, and applications that fit and appropriate as well as related to the learning objectives

2.     Why do teachers need to give attention to the students’ product-oriented tasks? Why do they need to assess them?

Product is a very important matter that reflects learner. The teacher needs to assess his/her students to evaluate how far the students learned and if it’s related to the concept and what and how it will improve next time.

3.     In what conditions can the product-oriented performance assessment be need more appropriately?

Product-Oriented Performance Assessment can be used to measure students’ creativity. It will measures psycho motor domain on how the students able to perform the desired task base on the output of his performance.
Here are the some conditions to be made directly or indirectly:
·        the learners competencies where enough to sustain the task
·        Interest and objective should be match.
·        And the learning environment was suitable for them.
·        resources and time


Write your reflection of thoughts, feelings, personal learning strategies, insights or new understand

             After almost 3 months of observing in Isabela National High School and answering the question in Field Study 5. I have a lot of things realized, that as a future teacher we should be observant and give attention to our students because all of them have individual differences and capabilities that we should bring out from them and help them to improve. I also realized that being a teacher we should know how to deal with our student especially the bullies and the lack of attention.
         In giving assessment task it should be planned carefully and aligned with the learning objectives. Giving assessment task we should consider always the learners, learning objectives, resources, time (the task should be time-bounded) and the limitation of the task.

Lastly being a teacher is not just to teach but we need to train and inspire our students. “TEACHING is not just a profession but it’s a PASSION” passion to love, share and inspire your students  

Huwebes, Pebrero 26, 2015


                     Learning Assessment Strategies

Field Study



Name of FS Student:   Vanessa Joy B. Nera 

Course:                      Bachelor of Secondary Education
Resource Teacher:     Mrs. Irene Alamon

Cooperating School:   Isabela National High School

My Target
            At the end of this activity, you will be skillful in designing process – oriented performance assessment.

My Task
            After your observation experience you now have a deeply and principled understanding of the concepts of authentic assessment used in the classroom. You can now go through the process of designing performance assessment by the following these steps:
1.       Visit a class and identify performance-based activities.
2.       Choose one performance-based activity and study its process.
3.       Design a performance assessment plan for the activity you have chosen.
4.       Collect samples of performance-based assessment tools.
5.       Reflect on your experience.

My Tools
            In observing a class, take note of important observations of the performance-based activity in the classroom. Make a checklist of the important things you want to consider in your assessment planning. Use the activity form provided for you. You may use format of process-oriented assessment that you have taken in your assessment 2 class. The rubrics are part and parcel of this assessment plan.


Name of the School Observed: Isabela National High School
School Address: Claravall St. San Vicente Ilagan Isabela
Date Visited:  February 5,2015
Grade/Year Level: Grade VII- Ipil
Subject Area:  Polygons(Mathematics)

Describe in bullets the performance-based activity you observe.
          As I observed to Grade VII-Ipil Class
  •  The teacher gave a task to her students through an activity entitled” Sum and Interior Angles of a Polygon.
  •  In the activity sheet the instruction or procedures and materials are specified for students needs to follow properly the given task.
  • As the teacher explained what to do the students start the task given.
  • Some are distracted because that time the class environment is not effective and conducive to learners because they held the discussion in the gymnasium because 
  • The teacher go around act a facilitator and assistant the learners to help if they do not know to do . Because they are Grade VII they act like still elementary.
  • The students show the eagerness and enjoyment in doing the task, while the teacher acts as a facilitator and assists the learners to help if they have question and quires.

Based on your observation, make a checklist of the important things you wish to consider in your performance-based assessment plan.


Geometrical skills and abilities

Draw the different classifications of polygon

Identify the vertices of the polygon

Identify the diagonals of the polygons

Compute the sum of interior angles of the polygons


Name of the School Observed: Isabela National High School
School Address: Claravall St. San Vicente Ilagan Isabela
Date Visited:  February ,2015
Grade/Year Level: Grade VII- Ipil
Subject Area:  Polygons(Mathematics)

What are the best features of my process-oriented performance assessment design?

The best features of my process-oriented performance assessment design effectively evaluate complex cognitive skills and students’ behavior/ performance.
It has a clear and specific learning target, competencies that consider the different domains of learning, it measures the intended to measure and specific set of criteria.

What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of my process-oriented performance assessment design?

The conditions would be they do the task individually ,should always have a clear instructions for students to understand how the task should be done and a fair scoring rubric that will serve as a guidelines for a accurate, consistent, fair judgment for the task outcome/product.

What basic points should the user of this design consider?

The user of this design should consider  first is the assessment objective or what to assess, followed by the competencies to be evaluated, careful planning for the assessment context with which the task effectiveness depends, specific scoring rubric and its limitation.
In addition we need also to consider the LEARNERS because the accomplishment of a task is on their hands whether it is effective on their part or not.


1.       Why do teachers need to give attention to the students’ process-oriented tasks? Why do they need to assess them?

To monitor the ability and behavior of the students in a given task. This can be used in actual performance, knowing the behavior of the learners with regards to their character which is in the form of checklist. The teachers need to give attention to the students’ Process-oriented task to see how students perform the given task and if they need assistance or questions about the given task.
They need to assess their students not only to assess what they learned or knowledge they acquired but also the behavior of the students during the assessment.

2.       In what conditions can the process-oriented performance assessment be used appropriately? 

Process Oriented Performance task is used appropriately by applying what the students learned or the knowledge they acquired.Clear defined instruction outcomes (objective) 
Assessment is more appropriately if the conditions are settled enough like the environment and assessment tools used by the teacher and also the mood of the teacher. And if the interest of students were attain


Make reflections on your feelings and thoughts about the observations made in this FS.

During my observation in the class to Grade VII-Ipil Class
The teacher gave a task to her students through an activity entitled” Sum Interior Angles of a Polygon.
 In the activity sheet the instruction or procedures and materials are specified for students needs to follow properly the given task.
As the teacher explained what to do the students start the task given.
Some are distracted because that time the class environment is not effective and conducive to learners because they held the discussion in the gymnasium because 
The teacher goes around act a facilitator and assists the learners to help if they do not know to do.
Because they are Grade VII they act like still elementary.
The students show the eagerness and enjoyment in doing the task, while the teacher acts as a facilitator and assists the learners to help if they have question and quires.
I learned that learning environment takes big role in learning of students that day the classroom because the athletes for CAVRAA stayed there.
They stayed at gymnasium, the place is not effective and conducive for learning because it is open field, too noisy and they are lot of distractions.the teacher tried to cope up with the students and the surroundings.
The teacher should use different variety of assessment tools in assessing the students help the teacher to have valuable information that provides data on how the learners reached the set assessment objectives/learning competencies.
Performance-based Assessment should be plan carefully for an accurate, consistent and fair judgement. Should provide opportunity t all students to demonstrate, applied and perform the task. Should have a clear instruction for the students follow and understand how the task should be done.